
Note from the Publisher

3 After-School Questions to Ask Your Child

By Brenda Diaz April 8, 2021

After a year of remote learning, many children returned to in-person and many opted into staying remote- there is really NO WRONG DECISION. It is a very hard, and personal decision to make, not only within ourselves, but also taking into account our children's feelings on returning. After declining twice, and after many conversations with my seven year old, we opted into in person. 

She along with hundreds of other children in our communities stepped back into school for the first time since last March. At pick up, I asked the standard set of questions I normally would ask:

“how was school?”- good  “Was it nice to see your friends?” – yes

To hear this from a chatterbox, I decided to ask a different set questions the following day: 

“What did you enjoy the most today?” 

“Was there anything you didn’t like or wish you could change?”

“What are you looking forward to doing tomorrow at school?”

These questions followed (or not) by “why”, may get your child to open up more about their day and pick up on cues on any underlying concerns they may have. These questions are universal and can be asked of those attending in person or remotely. 

We are all navigating through the same waters, but in different boats or circumstances...