
Note from the Publisher

Resolution Woes?

By Brenda Diaz January 28, 2021

How are your resolutions coming along? Mine have gone by the wayside…However, I am not beating myself up about it. I am choosing to be kinder to myself, be patient and much more present. I like to consider myself pretty mindful, but last week, when I arrived at home, I could not find my wallet anywhere. I had been running errands and while I only went into two stores, the wallet was not in my pocketbook, as it normally is… I eventually found it, but in my moments of panic, I could not remember when I had it last. Lately, it seems like I have been on autopilot with remote learning, trying to fit in new workout routines, working, adding more responsibilities to my personal work and focusing on healthier meals. However, I was not able to enjoy them all or complete all of them, because of my stress level to just get them done. While the tasks need to be done, I also want and need to be present for my family and myself.  I had a “daily routine schedule,” but I often find myself taking an extra five more minutes to complete a work project or staying up later to research a subject for my next book or course. Do you find yourself thinking- five more minutes? I am on a flow right now… Working from home has made it even more difficult to find the almost impossible work/life balance. However, everyone’s balance looks different. It is important to find clarity in what balance would look like in your life and how you will feel better or more satisfied. For instance, for me, it is spending thirty minutes in solitude both in the mornings and evenings, a twenty minute walk or Zumba with my daughter each day (phone-free). How will this happen? I have realized I have failed in the past because I knew what I wanted, but did not clearly know how it would happen, or set smaller goals to make them easier to keep up with. For example, for me to wake up before the household, I will commit to going to bed at a set time allowing my mind and body enough restful sleep. As such, winding the kids down earlier will be on task as well. Today, I am committing to smaller steps towards bigger results. Is there a new resolution you would like to establish?  What will you establish as a non-negotiable for you? 

Have a great week,
